

奖助金 & 贷款

联邦、州 & 人民授予

奖助金 are gift aid 和 do not need to be repaid. When you complete the FAFSA, you are applying for the following grants:

  • The maximum Pell Grant award will increase to $7,395 for the 2023-2024 award year, 而相应的符合佩尔助学金资格的预期家庭贡献(EFC)最高为6美元,206. 金额可能会有变动. 2023- 2024年佩尔助学金资格的预期家庭贡献(EFC)范围为0 - 6,656.
  • 联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOG)是由联邦政府为有最高需求的全日制本科生提供的资金. You can receive between $100 和 $4,1万美元一年, depending on your financial need, 当你申请时, the amount of other aid you get, 和 the availability of funds at your school. 金额可能会有变动.
  • 太平洋联合大学助学金是由太平洋大学根据全日制学生的经济需要颁发的资金.
  • Cal 奖助金 are funded by the State of California for California residents. 申请加州助学金的学生需要将GPA验证表邮寄给加州学生援助委员会.

学生可以同时申请这两种课程 联邦贷款私人贷款.


外围投注 Collegiate Loan

北京大学大学生贷款是通过学校基金以及校友和朋友的慷慨捐赠提供的. The terms of the PUC Collegiate Loan are similar to the 联邦贷款 program. 还款开始于学生停止注册至少一半之后的九个月. A FAFSA may be required to receive a PUC Collegiate Loan, www.studentaid.政府.


Low-interest 联邦贷款 are part of most financial aid award packages. 这些贷款帮助你支付大学学费,还款通常在你离开学校后开始. Federal loans are required by law to provide a range of flexible repayment options, 包括, 但不限于, income-based repayment 和 income-contingent repayment plans, 贷款减免的好处, which other student loans are not required to provide.

By applying for financial aid 和 demonstrating a financial need, a student may be considered for one or more of the following:


每年可达5,500 - 12,500美元

Federal Direct loans are available to students regardless of income. This program allows a student to borrow directly through the U.S. Department of 教育 rather than through a bank or other lender. 在学生至少休学半年后才开始偿还本金. There are two kinds of Direct 贷款, subsidized 和 unsubsidized. 美国.S. 政府在学生在校期间支付补贴直接贷款的利息. The unsubsidized Direct loan accrues interest while the student is in school. The current interest rate is 4.29% for the subsidized Direct Loan 和 4.99% for the unsubsidized Direct Loan. FAFSA results determine eligibility for the subsidized or unsubsidized Direct loan. 发起费1.在贷款发放给外围投注之前,将从贷款金额中扣除057%.

学生必须完成主本票和入学面试时,他们第一次借在这个计划. The Direct Loan 主本票 is valid for 10 years. A FAFSA is required to receive Federal Direct Loan funds, www.studentaid.政府.


  补贴 依赖于未受资助的 未受资助的独立
大一新生 $5,500 $3,500 $9,500
二年级学生 $6,500 $4,500 $10,500
初级 $7,500 $5,500 $12,500
高级 $7,500 $5,500 $12,500


  补贴 未受资助的
本科(依赖) $31,000 $23,000
本科(独立) $57,500 $23,000

Federal Direct Parent Loan (PLUS)

Up to cost of education less other forms of financial aid.

这个项目允许受抚养的本科生的父母直接通过美国政府的贷款.S. Department of 教育 rather than through a bank or other lender. 家长可以借用总费用减去学生获得的经济援助. Repayment may begin within sixty days after full disbursement of the loan funds. The interest rate is fixed at 6.84%. 发起费4英镑.在贷款发放给外围投注之前,将从贷款金额中扣除272%.

向信用局报告的负面信息可能会取消借款人使用该贷款的资格. If a parent borrower is declined from receiving a PLUS loan, the undergraduate student may borrow an additional 未受资助的 Direct Loan.

家长PLUS信息 & 指令


If you are accepting a 工作人员ord loan, you 必须 完成主本票(MPN)申请,以获得资助,为您的教育. Due to the recent pass of the 学生 Financial 援助 Reform bill, 所有学生必须在网上填写并签署2010-2011学年的新MPN. In order to complete this process, you will need:

  • Approximately 30 minutes (you 必须 complete the MPN in a single session)
  • Your Federal 学生 援助 密码
  • Personal 信息 (Permanent/Mailing Addresses, Telephone Number, Email)
  • Drivers License 信息 (If Applicable)
  • 雇主资料(名称) & 地址)
  • Reference 信息 for two people you have known at least 3 years. The first reference should be a parent or legal guardian. (Name, Address, Telephone Number & 关系)

要开始这个过程,请转到: studentaid.政府 在标题下 管理我的直接贷款,按“登入”. In order to sign in, you will need your 密码 从你的FAFSA. 一旦登录, 您将能够完成直接贷款入学面试和主本票.

Go to: "Complete 主本票"
Select: "补贴/未受资助的"

From there, you will be able to complete your loan application.

请注意: Your e-signature 必须 match your name EXACTLY as it is written at the top of the MPN. If it does not match exactly, your MPN will be rejected.


教育部要求学生在获得斯塔福德贷款资金之前接受借款人权利和责任的咨询. 现在你可以在任何可以上网的地方参加这个入学咨询会议.


  • Log on to the Direct Lending website, studentaid.政府
  • 在标题下 管理我的直接贷款,按“登入”. In order to sign in, you will need your 密码 从你的FAFSA. 一旦登录, 您将能够完成直接贷款入学面试和主本票.
  • Go to "Complete 入学咨询".
  • Read all the content 和 answer each question, read the borrower's rights 和 responsibilities, 和 print the Counseling Completion Verification page for your records. All answers can be found within the counseling session webpage. The school will receive a copy of your results.

如果你不能上网或选择不参加在线咨询, 在收到贷款资金之前,你必须见你的财务援助顾问或填写一份纸质表格.


联邦法规要求获得联邦斯塔福德贷款补贴的学生, 未受资助的 Federal 工作人员ord 贷款, 直接补贴贷款或直接无补贴贷款在退出前参加学生贷款偿还咨询会议, 毕业, 或者出勤率低于一半(即使有转学计划).


If you choose not to use the online 出口咨询, 你必须填写一份纸质的退出咨询表格,该表格可在学生财务办公室获得.


私人贷款可以提供可变利率,可以随时间增加或减少, depending on market conditions 和 the borrower's credit rating. Private loans are liable to have a range of interest rates 和 fees. 学生s should determine the interest rate of, 以及任何与, a private student loan before accepting it as part of their financial package. If you have any questions about your private loan, you should contact the lender of your loan or 学生 Financial Services.


You may apply for a private loan when additional funds are needed. You may select one of the listed lenders or a lender of your choice.


As of July 1, 2013, a new federal law established time limitations on Direct 工作人员ord 补贴 贷款. 获得直接补贴贷款资格的最长期限适用于首次贷款购买者或已偿还贷款并在7月1日前再次借款的借款人, 2013.


这项法律只允许你在公布的学术课程长度的150%以内获得直接补贴贷款(政府在学生在校期间支付利息的贷款). 一旦你达到这个限制的结束,你就不再有资格获得直接斯塔福德补贴贷款. 此时此刻, you may continue to receive Direct 工作人员ord 未受资助的 贷款 (which accrue interest while you are in school); interest will also start accruing on any outst和ing Direct 工作人员ord 补贴 贷款 at the end of this limit.

For example: if you are enrolled in a four-year bachelor’s degree program, 你可获得直接资助贷款的最长期限为六年(四年的150%). If you are enrolled in one of the college’s two-year associate degree programs, 你可获得直接资助贷款的最长期限为三年(两年期的150%).

The length of the academic program is published in the PUC总目录. 如果您更改学术课程,您的直接补贴贷款的最长资格期限可能会改变.


通过每年不断地完成你的学术课程来跟上你的学术课程的学习进度. 如果您对您的学术课程或进度有任何疑问,请与您的学术顾问或记录办公室交谈.

Make sure your program of study is accurate. 如果你的学术课程不准确,请向档案办公室填写适当的表格.

If you have further questions or concerns, speak with your Financial 援助 Counselor.